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Important Back to School Information

Dear Families:

It’s hard to believe that we’re in September. We have gone from counting the months and weeks to now counting the days until September 8!

Teachers and staff have been working hard these past few weeks to ensure that the school building is ready for our students. They all deserve our gratitude, most especially our building and custodial staff!

With school being a week away, I wanted to provide you with some important information…



Attached to this email are the following important documents:

  1. Accessing the FACTS Family Portal (FACTS_Family_Portal_Parent_Access_Instructions) District Code: SMCA-NY

As we’ve mentioned in previous communications, all Diocese of Brooklyn schools—including Saint Mark Catholic Academy—are transitioning from OptionC to FACTS. This document is your step-by-step guide to setting up your username and password and logging in for the first time. The school does not create families’ usernames and passwords.

On FACTS, you will be able to view your child’s grades, attendance, and what class he or she is in.

  1. Frequently Asked Questions for the Beginning of the 2021-22 Schoolyear (FAQs for 21-22)

Included in this attachment are answers to many of the questions families may have regarding the beginning of the new schoolyear. Please read it over carefully. If you need any additional clarification, please call the school office at (718) 332-9304 or email Mr. Wilson at

  1. Arrival and Dismissal Procedures (Arrival and Dismissal Procedures 2021-22)

This document includes a chart to indicate what entrance/exit your child will be using this year, along with his or her designated arrival and dismissal time.

  1. Parent-Student Handbook and Sign-off Page (SMCA Parent Student Handbook 21.22 / Hanbdook Sign-off Sheet)

Please read the attached document carefully. Once completed, please print the sign-off page and return it with your child the first week of school.


  1. Wednesday, September 8th

  2. Kindergarten A and Kindergarten B will attend school from 7:40am to 11:50am.

  3. Grades 1-8 will attend school from 7:45am to 12:00pm.

  4. 3K for All-A, 3K for All-B, PreK-A, PreK-B, and PreK-C will attend school from 9am to 11am.

  5. Thursday, September 9th

  6. Kindergarten A and Kindergarten B will attend school from 7:40am to 11:50am.

  7. Grades 1-8 will attend school from 7:45am to 12:00pm.

  8. 3K for All-A, 3K for All-B, PreK-A, PreK-B, and PreK-C will attend school from 9am to 11am.

  9. Friday, September 10th

  10. Kindergarten A and Kindergarten B will attend school from 7:40am to 11:50am.

  11. Grades 1-8 will attend school from 7:45am to 12:00pm.

  12. 3K for All-A, 3K for All-B, PreK-A, PreK-B, and PreK-C will attend school from 9am to 11am.

  13. Monday, September 13th all students will be in attendance for a full school day.

Certain grades will be assigned entrances and exits. (See the attached chart.) Please use your assigned entrance/exit during the first week of school and each day of school going forward.


As much we would like you to meet both our new and returning faculty in person, unfortunately, we cannot hold our Back-to-School Night like we have in previous years. This year, our teachers will meet with families via Zoom. A separate email will go out with the Zoom links to attend Back to School sessions with teachers. Middle school (grades 5 through 8) will meet together and will have an opportunity to meet all middle school teachers at the same time during one session.


Rather than being mailed or emailed to families, admit to class cards will be distributed to students in kindergarten through grade eight on the first day of school, Wednesday, September 8.


  1. I’m happy to report that Mrs. Jane Kane will be the new art teacher for kindergarten through grade 8!

  2. Mrs. Kane—who has taught nursery, pre-k, and most recently kindergarten—is coming full circle. She began her career at Saint Mark over 25 years ago as the school’s art teacher. Like many of you, I’m looking forward to the great projects she has in store for our students.

  3. Ms. Samantha Strusinski, who had been one of our nursery teachers, will now teach kindergarten.

  4. Ms. Alona Kantor will be teaching one of our two 3K for All classes. Ms. Norma Walker, who has been on our staff for many years, will teach the other section of 3K for All.

  5. Ms. Kantor was a kindergarten teacher in the New York City Department of Education. Her children are also current Saint Mark students!

  6. We also welcome Ms. Stephanie Louis to our school staff.

  7. Ms. Louis will be the homeroom teacher for grade 6B, and she will be teaching religion to grades 5 through 8.

  8. Most recently, Ms. Louis was the youth minister/director of religious education at Saint Thomas Aquinas and Our Lady Help of Christians parishes.

  9. We’re happy to welcome Debra Roehn and Maryna Izotov who will be the classroom aides in our 3K for All classrooms.

  10. Mr. Edward Quinn, from Watch Guard 24/7 will be our new school security guard this year!


We’d like to remind you of the important vaccination requirements from the New York State and New York City Departments of Health that must be completed before your child/children return to school in September. Please use the attached reference sheet as a guide for the immunizations that are required for September 2020. Thank you!

Thank you again for your close attention to this important information. Last year, we faced many challenges and our school community thrived. Undoubtedly, we will face some new challenges this year. I have every confidence that our Saint Mark family—new and returning—will once again rise to the occasion!


Happy New Year!

Mr. Wilson


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