Like our shirts said…WE’RE BACK!
Today was our first walk-a-thon in three years, and it was worth the wait!
Our school community—with the help of their family and friends—raised $31,722, more than double the amount from the last walk-a-thon in 2019…and the donations are still coming in! Father Bob kicked of the festivities with a prayer and blessing. Then students in grades 1 through 8 walked to Saint Margaret Mary Church in Manhattan Beach and back—a walk of over 2 miles round trip!
At St. Margaret Mary, Father Michael was there to welcome us, and he brought out the Blessed Sacrament for our students! Congratulations to Father Mike, who is celebrating the five year anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood!
Back at school, our 3K, PreK, and kindergarten students walked the perimeter of the schoolyard with their teachers and families! At the end of the walk, all students received a water, a snack, and a pizza lunch!
We concluded the day with our Walk-a-Thon assembly. Congratulations to…
First Prize winner Victoria Chan, who raised $2,750, she won a PS5! Second Prize winner Gabriella Page, who raised $2,500, she won $250 Visa Gift Card. Third Prize winner Emre Ates, who raised $1,160, he won a $100 Visa Gift Card.
Thank you again to everyone who helped make the day a success!