Hello Kindergarten parents.
Welcome to the 2nd trimester! Please study the spelling words given this week we will try to have a test on Friday.
Also, a reminder: please read the directions for math homework carefully. Some of the work is only partially done or done incorrectly. It is important practice to do all the steps in the math problems.
January 25, 2021
Dear Parents,
We will have a spelling test on the last group of words (below) on Tuesday.
On Wednesday, we will begin the new group of words. It is unusual to begin words on a Wednesday but we will continue to use those next week as well because they are more difficult words.
1. 'one' 2. 'two' 3. 'three' 4. 'like' 5. 'have' 6. 'them' 7. 'can' 8. 'said' 9. 'the' 10. 'ten'
Please join the Google classroom page if you haven’t already done so. Invites were sent to all parents. Your child’s e mail address is theusername and the password is password.
Monday: Language arts: Write 'Hh' and write the above words one time each Math: page 371-37
Tuesday: Language arts: Write 'Ii' Math: 377-378
Wednesday: Language arts: Write 'Jj' Also: write these words 3 times each 1. 'he' 2. 'her' 3. 'good' 4. 'but' 5. 'of' Math: 379-380 Social Studies: sheet
Thursday: Language arts: Write 'Kk' Also write 6. 'was' 7. 'or' 8. 'by' 9. 'they' 10. 'then' 3 times each Math: 381-382
Friday: No homework; have a good weekend
Send a snack* in each day. Lunch is provided but snack should be brought from home *SNACK SHOULD BE SEPARATED FROM LUNCH THAT IS SENT IN
Send two waters in for your child; one for their snack and one for after recess when they usually get thirsty. The water fountain is off limits during this covid crisis.
Mrs. Kane and Ms. Eliscar