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4th Grade

Writer's picture: Amanda LakeAmanda Lake

Updated: 4 days ago

Thursday, February 27

Spelling-review words for test tomorrow.

Social Studies-complete in theme notebook Loyalist vs. Patriots.

Math- complete workbook pgs. 349 and 350.


•Have you shown Ms. Daly the book for your book report?

4a-Spanish Quiz on Tuesday 3/4

4b- Spanish Quiz on Monday 3/3

Wednesday, February 26

Spelling-sentences with words-leave blanket for word. Use tablet paper that was provided.

Ela-quiz tomorrow on troublesome words. Complete workbook pgs. 76 and 78

Social Studies- read and complete 104 and 105

Math-workbook pgs.343 and 344.

Science-write the definitions for the words on pg 32. Also, write a sentence with each word. (10 word minimum)


•Have you shown Ms. Daly the book for the book report?

Tuesday, February 25

Spelling- definitions and words- no answers and write it on the tablet paper.

Ela- practice workbook pg.74

-Quiz on Thursday on troublesome words.

Social Studies- pg. 171 (packet) answer questions in theme notebook.

Math- workbook pgs. 337 and 338

Read Across America Activities due tomorrow 2/26


  • Scholastic Book Fair-tomorrow 2/26

  • Send in Registration papers because as of 2/28 the fee increases to $250.

  • Mardi Gras party is this Saturday.

Monday, February 24

Spelling- scramble words in your theme notebook.

Ela- practice workbook pg. 72

Social Studies- In your theme notebook under “TROUBLE IS BREWING “- bottom of page write the first six events that led to the American Revolution-use packet pg. 37 to help.

Math- workbook pgs. 331 and 332

Science- study definitions of words from pg. 12 for quiz tomorrow. Study sheet also provided.


Have you shown Ms. Daly the book for the book report? Need to see it by February 28.


4a- Spanish due tomorrow-numbers up to 60 extra credit up to 70.

4b- study for quiz next Monday.

Friday, February 14

Science- write the definitions for the words on pg. 12 on the paper provided. Also, write a sentence for each word with the minimum of 10 words. Quiz when we return from break. - make sure you read and complete pgs. 12-20.


IReady-My Path Reading 10 minutes a day. Feb. 17-21

IReady-My Path Math 10 minutes a day. Feb. 17-21

4a-Spanish- continue numbers in Spanish up to 60. -Extra credits up to 70.

4b-Spanish- continue numbers in Spanish up to 50 (Cinquenta)

Have you shown Ms. Daly your book for your book report? If so, you should be reading and thinking about how you will make your quilt.-Object and summary in class on March 12.

Thursday, February 13

Spelling- review words for test tomorrow.

Math/science- put clear covering on new books,

Book report- show Ms. Daly book for book report by 2/28. If you have shown me book, begin to read-thinking about how you will create quilt in class March 12.


-4 objects and how they relate to book.

*Remember I will give you paper in class March 12.

4a only- Spanish- continue numbers to 60 in Spanish. For extra credit do up to 70. Due on Feb. 25

4b only-Spanish-continue numbers to 50(cinquenta) in Spanish. Due on Feb. 24.

Wednesday, February 12

Spelling- on tablet paper write words in sentences and leave the answer blank. (No answers)

Ela- Grammar Practice workbook pgs. 63 and 64

Math- study for chapter 5 test tomorrow.

4b only

Religion-study for Chapter 9 open book test.

Tuesday, February 11

Spelling-match words with definitions (no answers)

Ela- workbook pg. 61. Write two complex sentences in theme notebook.

Social Studies-Are you ready Ch. 2 and 3 Test tomorrow-2/12 Review sheets, workbook pg. 30-95, and packets. Study!

Math-study for math test on chapter 5.

Monday, February 10

Spelling-scramble words

Social Studies-complete review sheets. Begin reviewing and studying for test on Wednesday February 12. Workbooks pgs. 30-95 and all packets, Come tomorrow Tuesday Feb. 11 with any questions you may have on what you are reviewing and studying.

Math- complete worksheets Multiples A and B. -study for test on Chapter 5.

Science- quiz tomorrow on words from pg. 78 and 98

4b only

Spanish- write numbers in Spanish up to #50 (cincuenta)

Religion- complete pgs you didn’t finish in class. Pgs 116-118

Thursday, February 6

Math- workbook pgs.315 & 316

•Quiz on Monday for divisibility rules and angles.

Science-quiz next week on words from pg. 78 and 98.

Social Studies- complete and read workbook pgs. 84 and 85.

•Please study workbook pgs. 30-95 and review packet, all packets and notes for test on chapter 2 & 3 on Wednesday, February 12.

•We will continue our review on Monday/Tuesday February 10 and 11th, but you are responsible to review and study.

4a-Religion- read and complete pgs. 128-130

Wednesday, February 5

Spelling- review words for test tomorrow.

Social Studies-read and complete pg. 90 and 91

Math-workbook pgs. 309 and 310

Science- write down the definitions on pg. 98. Also, Write a sentence for each word. •Quiz next week on the words from pg. 78 and 98.

4b only

Finish colonial worker project-paragraph on index card, color picture.

Important Reminders-

•Study review sheets for Test Chapters 2 and 3 (pgs. 30-95)-social studies workbook Wed. February 12.

Tuesday, February 4

Spelling-10 matching 10 scramble on tablet paper.

Social Studies-workbook pgs. 93,94

ELA-Wonders workbook pg. 27

Math-pgs. 303 & 304

Science- finish classwork pgs. 86-93. Study vocabulary words and definitions on page 78 for a quiz next week.


•Begin going over Review Sheet-Test Wednesday, February 12-workbook pgs. 30-95

•For those of you who have been absent-All social studies packets are being scanned in by Ms. Jillian including the review sheets. You will receive an email blasts with this file. Please start reviewing.

Monday, February 3

Social Studies- packet pg. 58 (1-3) complete in theme notebook.

Spelling-scramble spelling words

Ela-wonders practice workbook pg 25-review. At bottom of pg. 25 write compound sentences using spelling words.

Science-Write down the definitions for the words on pg78. Write a sentence with details for each word. Sentences should be a minimum of 10 or more words. Quiz tomorrow on words from pg. 62.

  • Make sure your classwork is completed pgs 78-85.

Friday, January 31

Social Studies- complete packet. Only pgs. 31 and 33. Don’t do pg 32.

Math- workbook pgs. 295 and 296

4b only- complete published copy of Anne Frank activity.

Thursday, January 30

Spelling- review words for test tomorrow.

Social Studies- packet due on Monday 2/3. Do only pgs. 31 and 33. You don’t have to complete pg. 32.

4a- Journal pg. 7 for Ms. M and M.

Wednesday,January 29

Spelling-on tablet paper write sentences using spelling words. Leave the word space blank for a classmate to fill in.

Math-workbook pgs. 289 and 290. Make sure to write down the Math idea on pg. 285 and the divisibility rules on pg. 286 in your graph notebook.

To all,

We need boxes of tissues! Thank you!

Remember to wear your team color tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 28

Spelling- match write definitions to match with words on tablet paper. Do not write answers.

Social Studies- quiz tomorrow on notes and pgs. 66-71

Math- chapter 5 workbook -pgs. 283 and 284

4a only- For Ms M&M journal writing pg. 7

Reminder- Use Social Studies workbook to get definitions for spelling words.

Monday, January 27

-Spelling-scramble spelling words.

-1930’s packet read and complete.

What did you learn?

•Think about what you would place in the time capsule.

Friday, January 24

-Have you finished your 1930’s project? Due 1/27

Social Studies- read and complete pg. 66 and 67. Complete Venn Diagram in theme notebook.

Math-study for Chapter Test 4 on Monday.

Science- complete workbook pgs. 62-66. Look up words on page 62 and write down definitions. Write a sentence for each word.

Thursday, January 23

Are you working on your 1930’s project? Due Jan. 27

Spelling- review words test tomorrow.

Ela- test tomorrow on Adjective and Adverb-Review sheet.

Social Studies-workbook pg. 57 # 5,6

Science- complete pgs. 52-61. If you didn’t finish them in class.

Math- study for math test.

Wednesday, January 22

Spelling- match words with definitions and use the tablet paper. Don’t write answers.

Ela- begin studying for Ela test on Friday, 1/24.

Social Studies- workbook pg.56. Read and complete #4.

Look up the word accountability in the dictionary. Write the definition and how you can be accountable for your actions/behavior.

Math- workbook complete pgs. 269 and 270. Study for Chapter 4 test on Friday,1/24.


Are you completing your project for 1930’s? It is Due Mon. January 27.

Ela test- Adj/Adv. Friday, January 24.

Tuesday, January 21

Spelling- scramble spelling words and write sentences using the words in your theme notebook.

Social Studies- packet pg. 39,40. Complete questions 1,2,3 on pg. 40 in your theme notebook.

Ela- complete sheet. Test Friday 1/24 on Adj. and Adv.

Math- workbook pgs. 263 and 264. Test Friday on Chapter 4.


Are you completing the research on the 1930’s topic? Thinking about visuals? Project is due Jan. 27.

Friday, January 17

Scholastic News- Read issue and complete sheet.

Ela- Wonders practice pg. 304. Test Fri. Jan24 on Adj./ Adv.

-Are you researching your 1930’s topic and completing the 5W’s sheet?

-Finishing Jane Goodall essay on tablet paper. Due Tues. 1/21

Science- complete the diorama if you did not finish it in class today. It is due on Tuesday, 1/21.

Thursday, January 16

Spelling-Test tomorrow. Review words.

Social Studies- test tomorrow 1/17. Study workbooks pgs. 44-51, packet, and notes from 1/13 and 1/15.

Math- workbook pgs. 257 and 258


•Are you researching for the 1930’s project? You should be filling in the sheet for the five w’s.

•Winter Collage due 1/17

*Remember to send in your registration papers for the next school year.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Spelling- sentences on tablet paper leaving spelling word blank.

Math- workbook pgs. 251 and 252.

Social Studies-you should be studying for test on Friday, 1/17. Study workbook pgs. 44-51. Notes of 1/13 and 1/15 in theme notebook and packet.

4a only-

Review chapter 9- Religion open book test tomorrow.


Collage due 1/17

Social Studies test on Friday 1/17

-Continue to take notes on the 5 w’s sheet on topic of 1930’s.

*Remember to bring in your registration papers.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Spelling- on tablet paper match words with definitions; remember leave line after spelling word blank.

Ela-wonders practice workbook pg. 302

Social studies- packet pg. 38 complete events in theme notebook.

Math- workbook pgs. 245 & 246

4b only- Religion pg. 111


Social Studies Test on 1/17. Study notes and pgs. 44-51

Winter Collage due Friday 11/17

Monday, January 13, 2025

Spelling- scramble words and put it on the paper provided.

Social Studies- packet pg. 36 questions 1,2, and 3 in theme notebook. Complete sentences for answers. Winter Collage- use winter vocabulary sheet to complete the collage. Due Friday, January 17.

Math- workbook pgs. 239 & 240


You should be reviewing/studying social studies workbook pg. 44-51 Test Fri. January 17

Spanish- flash cards due for 4a on 1/14

Friday, January 10, 2025

Social Studies- read and complete pg. 50-51. On pg. 51 answer questions 1-4.

-Test on Friday January 17th pgs. 44-51

Science- Bring in a box for a project. We will create a diorama of an endangered animal and its habitat. We will complete it on Monday, so bring the box and supplies in this week.

Spanish- flash cards and sentences due on Monday for 4b and Tuesday for 4a.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Spelling-Review words test tomorrow.

Social Studies-complete poster and index card encouraging someone to be a crew member on your voyage to the New World.

Math- study for quiz tomorrow on lessons 4.1 to 4.6.

Science- Bring in a box for a project. We will create a diorama of an endangered animal and its habitat. We will complete it on Monday, so bring the box and supplies in this week.

Spanish- flash cards and sentences due on Monday for 4b and Tuesday for 4a.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Spelling- write sentences with blanks for spelling words on the tablet paper. *Spelling Bee tomorrow.

Grammar-wonders workbook pg. 256

Math-workbook pgs 231 and 232

Science- Bring in a box for a project. We will create a diorama of an endangered animal and its habitat. We will complete the diorama’s on Monday, so bring the box and supplies in this week.

Spanish- complete flash cards and sentences. Due on Monday for 4b and Tuesday for 4a.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Spelling- Match words with definitions (no answer) and write it on the tablet paper.

Grammar-On loose leaf write words describing winter.

Social studies- read and complete pg. 46 and 47. Complete questions # 2 and 3

Math- workbook pgs. 225 and 226

Science-Bring in a box for a project. We will create a diorama of an endangered animal and its habitat. We will complete the diorama’s on Monday, so please bring the box and supplies in this week.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Spelling- scramble your words

Social Studies- read pgs. 31, 32 and 33

-answer questions pg. 33 (1-4) in packet.

*quiz tomorrow on notes and workbook pg. 44 & 45

Grammar- workbook pg. 58

Math-workbook pgs. 219 and 220

Science- Bring in a box for a project. We will create a diorama of an endangered animal and its habitat. It needs to be in by Monday. You could bring in printed pictures or any materials if you choose to.

Friday, December 20

Please complete I-Ready My Path for 20 minutes each day for the Christmas Break.

This is homework and will be checked.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Monday, December 16

Social Studies-packet “Contributions” pg 9

Reading- Book report

-In class book report draft completed in your readers response notebook.

Math- workbook pgs. 207 & 208

Science-workbook pgs. 38 & 39

4b only-read pgs. 198-211 in Frightful’s Mountain


Please bring tissues and paper towels.

Friday, December 13

Social Studies- packet-“Contributions”-pg. 19,20 questions 1,2,3- answer in theme notebook.

Math- workbook pgs. 196b (make sure to write a paragraph about one of those options.) and pgs. 201 and 202.

Reminders In class book report, Tuesday, December 17- Make sure you have your rough draft written in your Readers Response notebook.

Trip to sing at the nursing home is Monday, December 16th.

Please bring tissues and bounty. Thank you!

Thursday, December 12

Spelling-review words for test tomorrow.

Social Studies- workbook read and complete pg. 42 and 43 (3, 4, 5)

Reminders In class book report 12/17. Have draft in readers response notebook.

Wednesday, December 11

Grammar-workbook pg. 56

Spelling-On tablet paper write sentences with spelling words missing. We will use it for the spelling bee tomorrow.

Social Studies- workbook pg. 41 #2

-Packet-pg. 19 (1,2,3) use pg. 30-37 in your social studies workbook to help you.

Math- study for chapter 3 test tomorrow.

Reminders In class book report (12/17). Be ready with draft in readers response notebook.

-Confession tomorrow. Know the Act of Contrition.

Tuesday, December 10

Spelling- make a matching column with your words and definitions. Leave the answers blank to give to a friend tomorrow.

Grammar- workbook pg. 54

*Be thinking about and writing down words describing winter.

Science- workbook pgs. 34 & 35 -read and answer questions.

Math-study for chapter 3 test on Thursday. We will review tomorrow, so bring in questions you need help with.

Reminders Are you reading your book for your book report? Make sure to write the draft in your readers response notebook.

Monday, December 9

Spelling- scramble your spelling words in your theme notebook.

Grammar- complete workbook pg. 52

Math- workbook pgs. 187 and 188

*You should be studying chapter 3 for a test this week.

Social Studies- study pgs. 30-37, packet pg. 17 (5-10) and practice test.

*Reminder* -Are you reading your book for the book report?

- Draft of Essay should be in your Readers Response Notebook.



Chapter 8- open book test Wednesday-12/11

Friday, December 6

Social Studies- review pgs. 30-37 and packet pg 17 (5-10) for test Tuesday, December 10th.

Math- study chapter 3 for a test next week.

-Are you reading your book for your book report? If finished begin draft in Readers Response notebook-see direction sheet sent home in Wednesday folder a few weeks ago.

-Please send in tissues and paper towels as we no longer have any.

Thursday, December 5

Spelling-study words for test tomorrow.

Social Studies- read and complete pgs. 36 and 37

Wonders Practice-workbook pg. 217

Math- workbook pgs. 181 and 182

Science- write the definition for the three words on pg. 32 and use them in a sentence.

*Please send in tissues and paper towel because we have run out.

*Reminders* -Show Ms. Daly your book for your book report tomorrow, December 6.

-Grammar-quiz tomorrow 12/6. -review grammar pg 49, 50 -Wonders practice pg.217,218, 193, 194

-Social Studies Test Tuesday 12/10 pgs. 30-37 Review packet pg. 17 & workbook pg. 30-37

-Math Test next week on chapter 3.

Wednesday, December 4

Spelling-on tablet paper with the school heading, write spelling words in a sentences.

-Spelling bee tomorrow

Grammar Wonders-workbook pg. 194

Social Studies- packet pg. 17 (6, 7, 10)

Math- workbook pgs. 175 and 176

Science- study for quiz tomorrow.

*Reminders* -Show Ms. Daly book for book report by Friday, 12/6

-Quiz- Friday 12/6- on Pronouns, Personal, and Possessive.

Tuesday, December 3

Social Studies Packet-pg 17 (3, 5, 8, 9)

-Notes and Social Studies workbook pg. 30 &31

Spelling- On tablet paper complete matching.

Grammar- workbook pg. 50

Science- study for quiz on the plant lifecycle.


Show Ms. Daly book for book report by Fri. December 6.

Monday, December 2

Spelling- scramble spelling words and write in your theme notebook.

-using the tablet paper with a heading rewrite paragraph explaining how The Wright Brothers were examples of creative minds.

Math- workbook pages 167 & 168

*study for quiz on lessons 3.1 through 3.4 tomorrow.

Science- study for the quiz on the plant life cycle.


Show Ms. Daly book for book report by December 6

4b only-

Open book religion test on Chapter 4 tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 26- Due on 12/2/2024

Wonders Practice- workbook pgs. 73-78, 88, 89, 124, and 125.

Math-workbook pgs. 161 and 162

Science-quiz next week on the plant lifecycle packet. Study notes and know the cycle.

Monday, November 25

Grammar-workbook pgs. 47 and 48

Social Studies- test tomorrow 11/26 Chapter 1 Lessons 2/3 Pg 12-21. Packets study sheet.

Math- workbook pgs. 155 &156

Science- quiz next week on the plant lifecycle packet.

Friday, November 22

Grammar- workbook pg. 45

Social Studies-pg 13 - review social studies workbook pgs. 12-21, especially study the packet

Math- workbook pgs. 149 & 150

*Reminder* Social Studies Bee- Mon 11/25

Social Studies Test- 11/26 Chapter 1 Lessons 2/3

*We need pencils, pens, and tissues. Thank you!

Thursday, November 21

Spelling-review words. Test tomorrow. Study definitions, as well.

Grammar-Wonders practice workbook pg. 61, 62

-Rewrite draft of story in tablet paper and cover.

*Remember heading, tablet pape, name on cover.

*Reminder* Social Studies Test- Chapter 1 Lessons 2/3 on Tuesday, November 26

Monday, November 18

Grammar- workbook pg. 41

Spelling- scramble your words.

Social Studies- review packet (8-15)

Math-study for Math test on Chapter 2.

*Reminder* Math Test on Chapter 2 on Thursday, 11/21

Social Studies Test Chapter 1-Lesson 2 pg.12-21

-Tues Nov. 26 study review packet as well.

*We need pen, pencils, and tissues, please! Thanks!

Friday, November 15

Social Studies-packet pg. 13 (#14 Down Mineral)

Grammar- wonders workbook pgs. 9, 10

Math- workbook pgs. 135 and 136 *Make sure to study multiplication tables 1-12


Social Studies Test chapter 1- Lesson 2 pgs 12-21 plus packet. Test on Tuesday, 11/26

4b only- Spanish quiz on Monday, 11/18

Thursday, November 14

Spelling- On tablet paper with heading rewrite spelling words in your best cursive writing.

Grammar- Wonders pg. 52

Social Studies- workbook pg. 24

Math- workbook pgs. 129 and 130. Study multiplication facts 1-12.

*Reminders* Spelling Test tomorrow

Grammar-unit one test tomorrow. Review study sheets.


Study for Spanish quiz on Monday, November 18th

Wednesday, November 13

Spelling-write spelling words in ABC order in your theme notebook.

Grammar-wonders practice workbook pg. 49 and 50.

Social Studies-workbook pg. 18-21 read and complete. -packet pg. 10

Math- workbook pg. 123 and 124

*study multiplication tables 1-12 for a test on them this week.

*Reminders* Grammar Test- Unit 1 Friday, 11/15. Are you studying the review packet?


Spanish quiz on Monday 11/18

Tuesday, November 12

Spelling- scramble your spelling words in your theme notebook.

Ela- Test Unit 1- Friday 11/15- reviewing packet

Wonders- practice workbook pg 26

Math- complete lesson 2.4 and 2.5 in the packet.

-Be ready tomorrow for in class book report. Have book, reader’s response notebook with completed A to Z. You cannot complete in class book report without these supplies.

*Remember on in-class book report you may include drawn pictures or paste in pictures.

4b only

Religion- pg59

Spanish- quiz on November 18th

Friday, November 8

Grammar-Unit one Test 11/15

Workbook pg. 170-172 (10-25)

-review study packet (review sheet)

Social Studies- packet pg 9 questions 9 & 10

Math- workbook pg. 117 and 118

*study multiplication tables 1-12 because you will have a quiz on them.

*Reminders* In class book report- 11/13

-must have A to Z in readers response to complete in class book report.


4a- quiz on 11/12

4b- quiz on 11/18

Thursday, November 7

Spelling- review words for test tomorrow.

Social Studies- packet pg 9

Social studies workbook is needed to answer questions for packet 9.

Quiz tomorrow on notes .

Grammar- workbook pg. 35

Math- workbook pgs. 111 and 112

Science- study for vocabulary quiz tomorrow.

Reminders Grammar Unit 1 test-11/15- Begin reviewing packet

Nov. 8-Have readers response notebook. A to Z needs to be completed because it will be checked. Bookreports done in class on 11/13


4a- quiz Tuesday 11/12

4b-quiz Monday 11/18

Wednesday, November 6

Spelling- sentences

-use spelling words in sentences. Write it on the tablet paper you were provided and make sure to underline the words. It will be collected tomorrow.

Grammar- workbook pgs. 31 and 32

-Begin studying review sheet Unit 1 test will be on 11/15

-Will look at A to Z in Readers Response notebook on Friday, 11/8

-In class book report 11/13. Need to have completed A to Z by then in order to complete in class book report.

Math- no homework

Science- study vocabulary words on pg. 10 for the quiz on Friday. Study the sheets that were given.


Religion- open book test for chapter 3 tomorrow.

Spanish quiz November 18


Spanish quiz on November 12

Monday, November 4

Spelling-scramble spelling words and write it in the theme notebook.

-complete spelling sheet.

Grammar- workbook pg. 26 (11-13)

Math- workbook pgs. 103 and 104

-study for math quiz on Wednesday, November 6 on Lessons 2.1 through 2.7

Science- study vocabulary words from pg 10 for a quiz on Friday. * study the sheets that were given also.


Spanish quiz on November 18th

Religion- open book chapter 3 test on Thursday.

*Reminder* Are you reading a book for your second book report.-ABC topic and completing A To Z in the Readers Response notebook. Ms. Daly will be checking this Friday, November 8.

Friday, November 1

Grammar-workbook pg. 169 &170 (1-9)

Reading-create a poster honoring Rachel Carson as a great example of man and nature working together for the common good.

-Use a title, words, pictures—>can use index cards.

Math-study lessons 2.1-2.6 for a quiz next week.

*Reminders* Are you reading your book for your book report and completing A to Z in the Readers Response notebook? Will check on November 8!

Thursday, October 31

Spelling- on tablet paper write spelling words in sentences and underline them.

-Review words for test tomorrow.


Religion open book test on Chapter 3.

*Reminders* -Are you reading your book for book report 2 and completing A to Z in readers response notebook.

-Tomorrow is pizza dress down day.

-All saints mass is at 10am

Tuesday, October 29

Social Studies: Complete review sheet. Test tomorrow. Pages 4-9, packet, and notes

Spelling: Write clues or definitions in theme notebook

Grammar: Workbook page 24


Read book for book report card work on A-Z in Readers Response for in-class book report.

Friday, October 25

Social Studies-review sheet. Test on October 30 on chapter 1 Lesson 1.

Grammar-Wonders Practice workbook pg. 350 1-4 & 394 1-4.

Science-For Monday, find two names of plants. Bring them in and two small pictures of those plants, that we will use for a science research.

Math- no homework

Reminders -Have you shown Ms.Daly the book for the book report?

-Are you studying for the Social Studies? It is Wednesday, October 30.

-Are you beginning to do drafts for your book report in your Readers Response notebook. A to z list.


Spanish quiz 10/29

Thursday, October 24

Spelling-review words for test tomorrow.

Social Studies- packet pg. 2. Test on social studies Wednesday, October 30, 2024 on chapter 1 lesson.

-be reviewing/studying social studies workbook pgs. 3-9

Math-workbook pgs. 85 and 86.

*Reminders* -boxes of tissues and a roll of paper towels

-graph notebook for math


Religion- review pgs. 48-49

-complete pg. 49 We Respond on index card.

Wednesday, October 23

Spelling- complete tablet paper (to be used for the spelling bee.)

Social Studies-complete workbook pg 9 questions 5 and 6. -begin reviewing for test on Wed. 10/30 Chapter 1 Lesson 1.

*Reminders* -Boxes of Tissues and a roll of paper towels.

-Ms. Daly needs to see the book for your second book report by 10/25

-Social Studies Test 10/30 Chapter 1 Lesson 1


Spanish quiz 10/29

Tuesday, October 22

Spelling- complete fill in the blank sheet.

Social Studies-read and complete workbook pg. 6 and complete sheet.

Grammar- workbook pg. 20.

Math- complete the last three pages in your math packet. Remember to study for your Math quiz on Lesson 2.1 and 2.2.

Science- cover with clear covering on your new book.


Bring box of tissues and paper towels.

Show Ms. Daly your book for your second book report by Friday, 10/25.

Bring in graph notebook for Math

4a- Spanish quiz Tuesday 10/28

Write a haiku in your Readers Response notebook.

Monday, October 21

Spelling- scramble spelling words in your new theme notebook.

Social Studies-packet pg. 1. Review and study notes.

Math- complete pages on comparative multiplication that we marked for homework. Study lessons 2.1 and 2.2 for quiz this week.

Science- complete questions on the skin.

*Reminders* Bring in tissues.

Show Ms. Daly book for your second book report.

Make sure to have a book to read for DEAR.

Make sure to have a graph notebook for Math.

Friday, October 18

Reading- Finish chapters 7-9 in Who was Eleanor Roosevelt? Write a list on the paper that was given, of her accomplishments that made a difference.

*Show book for your second book report by October 25th.

Math- complete workbook pages 79 and 80. Study multiplication facts to memorize them, so you can recall them quickly.

*Bring in a graph notebook if you did not bring one in yet.

Please bring tissues and paper towels. We need them because the children have runny noses and they tend to spill their drinks. Thank you!

Tuesday, October 15

Spelling: Words three times each

Grammar: Workbook page 18

Spanish: Study for upcoming quiz on days of the week. Homework needs to be completed.

Thursday, October 10

Spelling: Review words. Test tomorrow.

ELA: Study notes from October 8

Religion: Chapter 2 open book test tomorrow. Poster due.

REMIDNERS: Test on election on October 15. Study Scholastc News pages 4-5 and writing actitivies

Title 1 begins on Wednesday.

Spanish homework due October 15

Tuesday, October 8

Spelling: Complete sheet

Grammar: Workbook page 16 reinforced sentence

Social Studies: Review pages 4-5 and writing activities. We will have a test on elections on October 15.

Religion: Workbook page 37. Open books test on Friday.

Monday, October 7

Spelling: Scramble (theme notebook)

Social Studies: Scholastic News page 8 (1, 2) Finish writing 5 questions in theme notebook. Page 4, 5 - Scholastic News.

Religion: Finish I can "The Beatitudes" activity.

Wednesday, October 2

Spelling: Review words. Test tomorrow.

Reading. Due 10/7 In back of theme notebook, make a list of what Nelson Mandela did that showed he was a "tree shaker."

REMINDERS: Payment is past due for educators visit $8

Tuesday, October 1

Spelling: Using tablet paper, write your spelling words in sentences. Underline those words. Test Thursday.

Social Studies: Read and complete sheet

Reading: Finish chapter. Answer questions 35-42

In-class book report tomorrow. Have book and readers response notebook.

REMINDERS: Wear dress uniforms tomorrow for class pictures, no gym uniform.

Payment is past due for educators visit $8

Please get a notebook for Spanish

No mechanical pencils

Monday, September 30

Spelling: Scramble in theme notebook

Grammar: Test tomorrow. Subject, predicate, and types of sentences. Review workbook pages 7-14

In-class book report on October 2. Have book and readers response notebook.

4A: Who Was Nelson Mandela: Chapter 8 questions 28-37

4B: Who Was Nelson Mandela: Chapters 7 and 8 Answer questions 28-37

Reminders: Payment is past due for educators visit $8

Friday, September 27

Grammar: Workbook 190: Lesson 4 // Test on October 1 on subject, predicate, types or sentence

Reminders: In class book report on October 2. Continue to read your book and take notes.

Wednesday, September 25

Spelling: Complete sheet

Review spelling and social studies for bee tomorrow

Grammar: Workbook page 14

Reading: Answer qusestion (14-22) in back of theme notebook. Review chapters 4-16 in Who Was Nelson Mandela?

Reminders: In class book report on October 2. Continue to read your book and take notes.

$8 due on September 27 for educator visit.

Spanish homework due October 1. Remember Spanish notebook.

Tuesday, September 24

Spelling: Complete sheet

Social Studies: Continue to study chapter 8. Test Friday on September 27. Review notes, packet, and workbook

ELA: Grammar workbook page 12

Reading: Nelson Mandela Chapter 2 questions 8-13. Answer in complete sentences in back of theme notebook.

Reminders: In class book report on October 2. Continue to read your book and take notes.

$8 due on September 27 for educator visit

Thursday, September 19

Social Studies: Copy page 244 study guide into theme notebook. Complete packet.

Handwriting: Complete packet

Reminder: Social Studies test on September 27. Study notes, packet, and workbook page 224-246

Spanish notebook for Tuesday.

$8 for educator visit

Do the best you can with handwriting. We are all learning and improving our script.

Continue to work to improv on the responsibility of remembering book and materials for changing classes. Keep up the good effort!

Tuesday, September 17

Spelling: Complete sheet. Review words. Test Thursday.

Social Studies: Workbook page 245. Packet T8 Class Constitution

4B MATH: Workbook page 35 and 36


  • Notebook for Spanish

  • Show Ms. Daly book for book report.

  • Be sure to read your book and take notes.

  • $8 for in-school field trip due on September 27

Monday, September 16

Spelling: Scramble words in theme notebook

Social Studies: packet page 83 (1-10) // Quiz Tuesday on branches and levels of government. Review notes and workbook.


  • Show Ms. Daly book for book report.

  • Be sure to read your book and take notes.

  • $8 for in-school field trip due on September 27



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