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Class 2B Homework

Writer's picture: ejohnson0192ejohnson0192

Updated: 4 days ago

February 27th

  1. Spelling test tomorrow

  2. Math p. 443-444

  3. Math test on Wed. 3/5

  4. Religion review sheet in the folder, test on Tues. 3/4

  5. ELA sheets in the folder

  6. Pizza dress-down tomorrow, bring an extra drink

  7. Reading Log is due tomorrow

February 26th

  1. Use 10 spelling words or more to write a short story

  2. Math p. 437-438

  3. Wonders practice book p. 54-55

  4. Pizza dress-down of Friday, bring an extra drink

February 25th

  1. Spelling words 8-15, 5x each

  2. Math p. 431-432

  3. Wonders practice book p.53- 53B

  4. Scholastic Book Sale is tomorrow.

  5. Friday is dress-down pizza day.

  6. Saturday is Mardi Gras !!

February 24th

  1. Spelling words 1-7, 5x each

  2. Math p. 425-426

  3. ELA sheets in the folder

  4. LAST day for trip money is tomorrow, it can not

    be accepted on Wednesday.


    Spelling Words *

    1. told 8. show 2. toast 9. Joe

    3. float 10 toe

    4. coat 11. light

    5. toast 12. mind

    6. grow 13. only

    7. mow 14. our 15. who

February 14th

  1. Trip Permission Slip is in the folder.

    Slip and payment must be returned on Feb 24th.

February 13th

  1. ELA sheets in the folder

  2. Wear school uniform tomorrow

  3. Dismissal tomorrow is 2:00pm

  4. Spelling test is tomorrow

  5. S.S. vocabulary test tomorrow

February 12th

  1. Spelling sentences 1-7

  2. Math sheet in the folder

  3. Spelling test on Friday

  4. S.S. vocabulary test on Friday

  5. Class trip tomorrow, wear gym uniform. Bring a big snack and lunch.

  6. Check the green folder.

February 11th

  1. Spelling words 8-15, 5x each

  2. Math p. 413-414

  3. Wonders practice book p. 50 -51

  4. Review S.S. vocabulary words, test on Friday

  5. Always, check Mr. Wilson's messages

February 10th

  1. Spelling words 1- 7, 5x each

  2. Math p. 407-408

  3. ELA sheet in the folder (2-sided)

  4. Review S.S. vocabulary definitions, test on Friday

  5. Google Classroom Code - m2rblis

  6. 100th Day of School project sheet is in the folder. Due on Friday

  7. Valentine's Day Sale is tomorrow

    Spelling Words

    1. bake 8. shade

    2. base 9. tag

    3. cave 10. cat

    4. safe 11. gap

    5. name 12. pan

    6. date 13. jam

    7. blame 14. fake 15. made

February 5th

  1. Spelling sentences 1-7

  2. Math p. 395-396

  3. Practice skip counting by 3's

  4. Wonders practice book p. 47-49

  5. Trip permission slip & payment is due no later than Monday.

February 4th

  1. Spelling words 8-15

  2. Wonders practice book p. 43,45,46

  3. Friday school is closed

  4. Spelling test will be on Monday

  5. Trip permission slip is in the folder. The slip and money are due by Monday,

    this is the last day it can be accept.

February 3rd

  1. Spelling words 1-7, 5x each

  2. Math test tomorrow

  3. Wonders Practice book p. 39-40

    Spelling Words

    1. cube 8. pew

    2. fumes 9. fuel

    3, huge 10. cues

    4 music 11. pony

    5. unit 12. queen

    6. menu 13. begin

    7. few 14. come 15. give

January 30

  1. Spelling test tomorrow

  2. Math test on Tuesday, Feb. 4th

  3. Religion test on Monday, Feb. 3rd

  4. Tomorrow early dismissal 12:00pm

  5. Dress-up like a teacher tomorrow.

January 29

  1. Spelling menu, choose one box

  2. Review math, test on Tuesday

    Feb. 4th

    3. Sports Day tomorrow, wear your team color.

January 28th

  1. Spelling words 6-10, 5x each

  2. Pizza dress down is tomorrow, bring a drink

January 27th

  1. Spelling words 1-5, 5x each

  2. Religion review sheet in the folder, test on Monday, Feb. 3rd

  3. Trip tomorrow, wear gym school uniform. Everyone needs to bring a big snack and lunch

  4. Chaperones please meet by the office at 10:15am

    Spelling Words

    1. solid 6. wants

    2. liquid 7. save

    3. gas 8. spend

    4. matter 9. goods

    5. needs 10. services

January 24th

  1. Spelling test on Monday

  2. 1980's Day on Monday

  3. Reading Log in the folder, due Feb 28th

  4. Google Classroom code is m2rblis

    This code is needed in case the school is closed due to bad weather and goes remote.

  5. Next week begins Catholic Schools week, check the flyer Mr. Wilson sent to view each days activities.

  6. Class trip on Tuesday 1/28, wear gym uniform

January 23

  1. Write a paragraph about your favorite 1980's toy.

  2. Dismissal tomorrow is 12:00

  3. Check & clean out the class folder

  4. Supplies are due tomorrow

  5. Spelling test is on Monday 1/27

January 22nd

  1. Spelling words 8-15, 5x each

  2. Math p. 381-382

  3. Spelling test on Monday 1/27

January 21st

  1. Spelling words 1-7, 5x each

  2. Math p. 375- 376

    Spelling Words

    1. light 8. dry

    2. sight 9. try

    3. mind 10. lie

    4. cry 11. hay

    5. tie 12. steak

    6. high 13. begin

    7. wild 14. those 15. apart

January 16th

  1. Spelling test tomorrow

  2. Science sheets in the folder

  3. S.S. sheet in the folder

January 15th

1.Use spelling words in a short story

2.Math p. 363-364

3.Science sheets in the folder

4.Patents need to check the green folder and read Mr. Wilson’s email.

January 14th

  1. Spelling words 8-15, 5x each

  2. Math p. 357-358

  3. S.S. continue adding to the Needs and Wants worksheet

  4. Religion test is tomorrow

January 13th

  1. Spelling words 1-7, 5x each

  2. Math p. 351-352

  3. Wonders Practice Book p. 38 - 38A

  4. Needs and Wants worksheet is due on Friday 1/17

    Spelling Words (two-letter blends)

    1. grass 8. plan

    2. mask 9. drum

    3. trip 10. blossom

    4. still 11. cricket

    5. clap 12. truck

    6. crack 13. chair

    7. stop 14. class 15. phonics

January 10th

  1. Religion test on Wednesday 1/15

January 9th

  1. Spelling sentences 8-15

  2. Math p. 339-340

  3. S.S. sheet in the folder

  4. Spelling test on Friday

  5. Religion test on Wednesday 1/15

  6. Religion review sheet in the folder

  7. Please check and clean out the class folder

  8. Spanish homework is due tomorrow and the book covered. Even if the book is uncovered, return tomorrow.

January 8th

  1. Spelling sentences 1-7

  2. Math p.333-334

  3. Wonders practice book p. 31-32 (only)

  4. Dress down tomorrow $5

  5. Friday - Spanish homework and covered book due on Friday

January 7th

  1. Spelling words 8-15, 5x each

  2. Math p. 327-328

January 6th

  1. Write a 5 sentence paragraph of the New Year's resolutions you made.

  2. Math p. 321-322

  3. Spelling words 1-7, 5x each

  4. Spanish homework and the book needs to be covered by Friday.

Spelling Words

  1. nail 8. weight

  2. two 9. sleigh

  3. main 10. prey

  4. hay 11. scrape

  5. stay 12. strange

  6. break 13. good

  7. steak 14. often 15. train

December 20th

  1. I Ready assignment will be available from 12/21 to 1/5. Will be graded.

  2. Trip permission slip and $15.00 (cash) due on 1/6.

December 19th

  1. Wear school uniform tomorrow.

  2. School Christmas breakfast after Mass

  3. Class Christmas party

December 17th

*** Title -1 with Ms. Rosado on Wed. 12/18 is cancelled**

1.Math test is tomorrow on Chapter 4 2. Red and Green dress down is tomorrow

3.Friday is the class Christmas party.

4.Wednesday night return to school by 5:30, dressed for the show.

December 16th

1- Religion test tomorrow

2- Math test is on Wednesday

3- Christmas PJ’s Day is tomorrow.

December 13th

*Spanish homework (Due Jan. 10th)

  1. Write the words 3x each

    1. Ojos 6, Oierna

    2. Nariz 7. Pie

    3. Boca 8. Bufanda

    4. Brazo 9. Botones

    5. Mano

**Check Mr. Wilson's email from December 11th about "Christmas Spirit Week". It has all the information about next weeks activities. **

December 12th

  1. Spelling sentences 8-15

  2. Math - review skip counting 3's and 4's

  3. ELA sheets in the folder

  4. Cane cane dress-down tomorrow

December 11th

  1. Spelling sentences 1-7

  2. Math - Reivew skip counting 3's and 4's

  3. ELA sheet in the folder

December 10th

  1. Spelling words 8-15, 5x each

  2. Math p. 307-308

  3. Religion sheet in the folder

  4. Math test on 12/18

  5. Religion test on 12/17

  6. Spelling test on Friday

December 9th

  1. Spelling words 1-7, 5x each

  2. Math p. 301- 302

  3. ELA sheet in the folder

    Spelling Words

    1. Christmas 8. wrap

    2. candy 9. tree

    3. Elf 10. bells

    4. snow 11. jingle

    5. star 12.wreath

    6. gift 13. Santa

    7. jolly 14. present 15. sleigh

December 5th

  1. Spelling test tomorrow

    Extra Credit

    * Write 5 sentences about the Christmas Show and draw a picture (25pts)

December 4

  1. Spelling sentences 1-7

  2. Math p. 289-290

  3. Wonders practice p. 24-25

  4. Trip day tomorrow. Wear gym uniform. Bring a filling snack, lunch will be later. No hot lunch, bring in your lunch from home.

December 3

  1. Spelling words 8-15, 5 x each

  2. Math p. 283-284

  3. Wonders practice p. 23-23A

  4. Thursday is our class trip. Wear your gym uniform. No hot lunch, bring a snack and lunch. Lunch will be later so bring a good filling snack.

December 2

  1. Spelling words 1-7, 5x each

  2. Math p. 277-278

  3. Wonders practice book p. 20-21

    Spelling Words

    1. glasses 8. fixes

    2. foxes 9. messes

    3. sits 10. aides

    4. eggs 11. ashes

    5. mugs 12. buses

    6. matches 13. boxes

    7. axes 14. cages 15. brushes

November 26

  1. Spelling words 8-15, 5x each

  2. ELA sheet in the folder

  3. Early dismissal tomorrow - 12:00pm

  4. No after-school tomorrow

  5. No bus service tomorrow

    **Wishing you all a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving !!!

November 25

  1. Vocabulary quiz tomorrow

  2. Reading Log due tomorrow

  3. Spelling words 1-7, 5x each

  4. Math p. 271-272

  5. ELA sheet - What I Am Thankful for?

November 21

  1. Spelling sentences 6-15

  2. Math p.259-260

  3. ELA sheet in the folder

  4. Tomorrow is the last day trip money can be accepted.

  5. Spelling test is tomorrow

  6. SS. test on vocabulary words is on Tuesday, 11/26

  7. Reading Log due on Tuesday, 11/26

November 20

  1. Spelling sentences 1-5

  2. Math p. 253-254

  3. ELA sheets in the folder

  4. Trip permission slip and money due on Friday 11/22. $15.00 cash

November 18

  1. Spelling words 1-7, 5 times each

  2. Math p. 241-242

  3. ELA sheet in the folder

    Spelling Words

    1. chop 8. thin

    2. catch 9. bring

    3. shape 10. while

    4. trash 11. place

    5. phone 12. badge

    6. that 13. sting

    7. seven 14. isn't

15. early

November 14

  1. Spelling sentences 1-5

  2. Math- review for test tomorrow

  3. ELA sheet in the folder.

  4. No Disney dress down tomorrow, it will be on Monday 11/18

  5. Religion test on Monday

  6. Spelling test on Monday

November 13

  1. Spelling words 8-15, 5 times each

  2. Math sheet, complete and review counting by 4's

  3. ELA sheet in the folder (Kindness Day)

  4. Math test on Friday, review quiz sheet in the folder.

November 12

  1. Spelling words 1-7, 5 times each

  2. Math sheet in the folder. Complete and review counting by 3's

  3. Spelling test on Monday

  4. Math test on Friday

  5. ELA sheet in the folder

  6. Disney free dress-down changed to Monday, 11/18

  7. Religion review sheet in the folder. Test on Monday, 11/18

** Spelling Words (short u / long u words)

  1. mule 8. hum

  2. fuse 9. must

  3. plum 10. fun

  4. use 11. rope

  5. dug 12. nose

  6. cub 13. look

  7. cute 14. yes 15. their

November 8

!. Tuesday is the LAST day to bring in your empty paper towel roll.

  1. Continue reading books and add to your Reading Log.

November 7

  1. Spelling test tomorrow

  2. Math p.221-222

  3. ELA sheet in the folder

  4. Tomorrow is the last day to bring in an empty paper towel roll.

November 6

  1. Spelling words 8-15, 5x each

  2. Math p. 215-216

  3. ELA sheet in the folder

  4. Bring in an empty paper towel roll by Friday.

November 4th

  1. Spelling words 1-7, 5x each

  2. Math p.209-210

  3. ELA sheet in the folder

    Spelling Words (Letter blends)

    1. grass 8. plans

    2. trips 9. milk

    3. crack 10. belt

    4. still 11. fog

    5. west 12. tub

    6. mask 13. by

    7. clap 14. he 15. she

October 15

  1. Spelling words 1-5, 5x each

  2. Math p. 139-140

  3. Math test on Thursday

October 11

  1. Religion test on Tuesday 10/15

  2. Math test on Wednesday 10/16

  3. School closed on Monday

October 10

  1. Spelling Menu - choose one box to complete, using all of this weeks spelling words.

  2. Math p. 133 - 134

  3. ELA sheet in the folder

  4. Spelling test is tomorrow

October 9

  1. Spelling words 11-15, 5x each

  2. Math p. 127-128

  3. ELA sheet in the folder

  4. Religion test on Tuesday, 10-15-24

  5. Math test on Wednesday, 10-16-24

October 8

  1. Spelling words 6-10, 5 times each

  2. Math p. 121-122

  3. ELA worksheet in the folder

** Spelling Word List will be posted on Mondays for the week. You can check here if your child forgets their book or is absent. **

Spelling Words (Short & Long a)

  1. bag 8. cape

  2. cap 9. made

  3. ham 10. rake

  4. bake 11. still

  5. ate 12. belt

  6. mad 13. into

  7. back 14. done 15. your


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